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Kratom Usage and Effects – A knowhow

Kratom is one among the very popular herbal drug which has its origin in Southeast Asia. Mitragyna speciosa is the botanical name of the Kratom. This belongs to the coffee tree family which is called as Rubiaceae. In Southeast Asia it is in use from time immemorial by the peoples of this region. Connoisseur Blend, Bulk Powder, Indo White, Bali red, Pulau Green, Mean Da, Red Maeng Da Kratom Strains, Java Green, Green Malay are some of the popular varieties of kratom powder they supply.

Kratom is used for many reasons like for the treatment of opiate addiction, as a medicine for diarrhea, it works as a great pain killer, and even it is used as recreational drug. At low doses it is used as a stimulant and when used as sedative Kratom is used in high doses. Kratom is also very effective in the treatment of arthritis, fibromyalgia, and even for RLS or restless legs.


Kratom leaves contain a stringy central vein. Usually this vein is removed and the leaf is chewed fresh. Even though dried Kratom leaves can also be used, many find it bit tough to use. That is why after dry they make powder of these leaves and use it.

When it is in the powder for one can mix it with water and drink the solution. Many people think that this method is effective and easy. Kratom powder can also be mixed with kefir, milk and juice. If it is necessary to mask the taste, then one can also mix this powder using chocolate milk. To make it easy to swallow, some people prepare the paste from Kratom powder.

Kratom effects:

The psychoactive effects of Kratom have been evolved from case reports and they are anecdotal. At lower doses it can produce stimulant effects and at higher doses this can result in CNS depressant effects. More social behavior, talkativeness, enhanced physical energy, and boosted alertness are some of the stimulant effects. At higher doses predominantly CNSand opioid depressant effects will be seen.

The effects resulted by Kratom are rapid and dose dependent. The effects will be seen soon after the consumption or may be within 10 minutes. They last for more than five hours.


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