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Benefits of choosing American Automotive Service Solutions

More and more car consumers are having their cars for extended periods of time. A practice that was not observed before experts say. This is probably as a result of an increase in technology applied in the cars being designed. For this reason, extended car warranties are becoming more and more lucrative to many. Many companies have cropped up supplying original warranties for 10-year coverage or 100,000 miles covered. A few provide only 3 years of coverage or 36,000 miles of travel. Whichever plan you choose, the plan will to your benefit. But do not take our word for it.

Pros of Getting Extra Car Insurance

You will be protected from uncontrollable phenomena like natural disasters and calamities.

This makes 8 to 9 chances of your car being vulnerable to damages brought upon by flood. There’s a good news, though! There is an additional coverage that can protect you from losses against these natural disasters. Called the Acts of God or Acts of Nature, this insurance can cover any loss or damage on your car from the Acts of God, or any phenomena that can’t be prevented.

Acts of God typically include typhoons, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, lightning, and other natural disasters that are inevitable. For example, if a tree falls on your vehicle due to strong winds from a storm, the damages on your car would be covered by the insurance. Damages from flood are also covered by this insurance.

You will save money.

The main benefit of insurances is to provide you financial assistance. Depending on the type of coverage, your insurance provider will cover any expenses for repairs as long as it’s within the terms stated in the policy. This can help you save a lot of money, since car repairs can be costly.

Additionally, you’ll receive help if some parts of your car have been stolen. However, some insurance policies only cover items that are needed to make the car function, or factory car parts. Accessories inside the car may not be covered, so it’s best to know your terms well. On the other hand, if your car itself has been stolen, you will be compensated based on the market value and depreciation of your car.

Although you have all the bases covered, so to speak, getting additional coverage might burden you with consequences that you might not like.

Cons of Getting Extra Car Insurance

You will pay a higher fee.

Generally, additional coverage means additional fees; thus, a higher insurance premium. Some packages of some insurance companies are not customizable, so you might have to pay for coverage that you won’t even need if you really don’t know what you’re looking for. In that case, it’s best to know your exact needs so you can shop around and avoid having to waste your money by paying for a useless add-ons.

You will have to pay a part of the expense when claiming.

This is a reality that you must face when having car insurance. In your policy, this term is called the deductible. It is the amount that you have to pay before the insurance company covers anything that is stated in the policy.

Looking for an extended car insurance check out American Automotive Service Solutions Inc Reviews here.


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